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Without getting vulnerable in a counselor's office

Go from anxious and defined by your accomplishments and limitations to authentic and accepting yourself as a special human being so that you can create impulsion and motivation to live your own best life  

Like I did
Have you attended counseling sessions, bought self help books, implemented all the strategies and ultimately feel like nothing has really changed?

I hear it all the time.

Working as an on-site employee assistance counselor, I often meet people who have hit emotional rock bottom. That emotional state plus a nagging coworker is usually what gets them to come into a counseling office AGAIN even though they've tried it before and have zero hope that anything we discuss will actually make changes for them. At least they can tell that coworker they went.

After our 50 minute meeting, they can tell there actually IS something different about our discussion. I don't give them the same strategies they've already heard three times. I do give them action items and food-for-thought concept explainations.
Image by Brooke Cagle
They come back and we troubleshoot barriers so that they can stack the action items into foundational skills that they can build on (with me or alone, whatever suits their fancy).

And that's why I've created this course. I've seen and heard all the one-off skills and strategies that work for a little while, or don't work at all (probably because there were important prerequisite skills that nobody checked or reinforced). I want you to walk away with something you can use and build on during any mood, in any situation, for the rest of your life.

So, no more last-ditch-effort coaching sessions or never-ending impulsive cheap downloads.

I present to you, the one and only: Six Week Pathway to Sustainable Motivation Challenge.


When you renew motivation and self love, there's no telling how far you'll go, what you'll do, or who else you will positively impact. For sure, while taking this course, you'll discover everything listed below (and probably more).
  • Learn the what, how, and why of self compassion so that you can validate self respect and encourage yourself along your journey
  • Soak up information about brain-train so that you have the theoretical reasoning behind action items and why they work to calm self doubt.
  • Learn the difference between self compassion and self esteem so that build strong healthy self esteem that is resistant to daily attacks.
  • Put it all together (in the right order) to renew motivation that lasts so that nothing comes between you and your best self, supported socially and fulfilled.


Hello!  I am the country girl, wife, mom, equestrian, and professional counselor behind Ripples of Hope Counseling, LLC and the Six Week Pathway to Sustainable Motivation Challenge.  I am committed to providing accessible and autonomous emotional support and self love skills and experience to everyone searching for it. 


We all have a self love journey.  I'll tell you that mine wasn't always very loving and I've seen firsthand the transformation that occurred in my life when I got out of my own way.  
After years working as a mental health counselor, I've seen what that transformation has done for others and what it can do for you.  I'm passionate about minimizing the theme of strong accomplished women not able to feel and think about their full potential due to invisible barriers stemming from limited self love.   

It's time to stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase.  Take a break from chasing situational wins and grasp motivation and determination with me in the Escape the Six Week Pathway to Sustainable Motivation Challenge.  

As Featured IN

Read my theoretical approach and verify my experience 


Nationally Certified

I'm board certified as a Nationally Certified Counselor


Telemental health

Telemental health provider certification as part of my virtual commitment to you



Don't wait for it, live your life and it will come to you.




Self Respect

- Callout

and Quick


We'll cut right to the chase and reveal how our thoughts use self respect to self-sabotage.  Then, establish the method for self compassion.  


How to Choose


Get away from underlying other-esteem and people pleasing.  The saying 'you have to love yourself before you love others' has some merit.


Brain Train for Emotional Overwhelm

I'll illustrate how your survival  instincts have actively prevented you from making progress so far and how to work with those instincts instead of fight with them.


Get Your Self-Esteem Back

Let your pride shine through after I show you how poor self esteem is really just a habit of looking in the wrong places for guidelines and criteria.


Hello Prospective Friends

Meet new people feeling like you really want to, not because you're forcing yourself to.  


Sustain Motivation - Because You Can

Going over the operational definition of 'motivation' and explaining how to bring it into focus using tools that you always have.


Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Overcoming challenges is a breeze with the support and accountability you get directly from Amanda in these weekly calls.  


30 Exercises to Relieve Overwhelm

This free resource is chocked full of 30 evidence based activities to help relieve emotional overwhelm and explicit instructions for each one.


Exclusive Accountability Community

Never feel alone thanks to an exclusive accountability group in the app.  Use it as much or as little and however you like.  


Your Own APP

It's with you wherever your smart device accompanies so that you can feed self development from anywhere at anytime.




Monthly Coaching

 Includes: Access to new content, Weekly coaching calls, and the Exclusive community.  Stop worrying that you'll actually benefit from the challenge and then have affordability get in the way.  Get excited for life-long change instead!

Blowing Confetti

Founding Member Price

I sincerely thank you for being one of the first to officially complete the challenge and provide your feedback.  I invite you to register for $347usd (76% off!!!) 


After some feedback and a practice round I'll be charging $1474usd to new members.

Contact Me

If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be in danger - do not use this website.  Please dial 911 to access emergency services or CLICK HERE to access emergency resources.

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

Amanda Hathcock, MA, LLPC, NCC, CHAIS, CTRI

walk through barn


Phone: 260-572-8414


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Please do not use this web portal to share any private or personal health information since it is not encrypted.  You will receive a response with details about how to keep your personal information safe before you share it over the internet.

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