I’m a private person and ‘about me’ pages have never been my favorite part of any project. In fact, I’ve downright dreaded them at times. Recently – after having one of those ‘the world and everyone else’s attention does not revolve around you so don’t sweat it’ talks with a teenager in my life – I got to thinking, you don’t need or want my life story. You are curious to know who I am right now and perhaps a brief background supporting what I have to offer. So to the point and with the most excitement that I’ve ever written page like this, here goes!
I started college in pursuit of an animal behavior/psychology career and quickly came to realize that I had much to learn about human behavior and psychology, including my own, if I was ever going to make animal based business work. I earned my BA in Psychological Science, then my MA in Community Mental Health Counseling. I worked for a couple years doing outpatient counseling in junior high schools and settled into a brief-solution-focused intervention model which lead me to a position in integrated health. I am also trained in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). I practice as a Professional Counselor.
I’m a farm girl. Born and raised. Family is the most important thing in my life and I consider animals family too. I’m a lifetime cow mom, a horse mom of 17 years, a dog mom of 6 years, and a precious human baby mom for about a year. I like precipitation in all of its beautiful forms and listening to thunderstorms. I downhill ski, horseback ride, and enjoy time outside on my family’s hobby farm. I like a little bit of coffee with my chocolate. I’m so excited to see where sharing my stories can take me and how they can help others in this digital age!
Life is yours for the taking, one second at a time. Live, love, learn, and enjoy!

Amanda is a behavioral health counselor, coach, writer, and midwest farmgirl. She owns Ripples of Hope Counseling, LLC and enjoys helping a variety of clients. Get immediate access to her free download "Three Invisible Barriers to Self Love and How to Hurdle Them" by signing up for her newsletter.